What We Do

Meridian Logistics and Engineering (MLE) being an EPCM (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Management) and Logistics company, has a solid procurement arm that is responsible for the procurement of goods and services required for the effective running and management of the company.
The range of goods and services sourced through procurement, include Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) equipment, commodity chemicals for both offshore and onshore use in the oil and gas sectors, terminal tractors and trailers for port operations, other commodities such as cashew, charcoal (coal) and general office supplies.
The procurement process is rigorous as we employ global procurement best practices which require suppliers to go through a qualification and due diligence process after which awards are awarded only to qualified contractors, suppliers and service providers. Our procurement transactions are funded through innovative credit enhancement structures, letters of credit and other financial models with local and international accredited banks and financing institutions. Our annual procurement expenditure is on average between seventy to eighty million ($70-$80) United States dollars.
Some recent success stories include the procurement of the equipment required for the supply and installation of a stand-by deethanizer overhead compressor at the Gas plant in Atuabo, procurement of equipment and services for the inter-connections works under the tie-in agreement of the offshore gas export pipeline and that of over 20 brand new terminal tractors and trailers required for use at the new MPS (Meridian Port Services) Tema port operations.