What We Do
oil and gas

In 2014, MLE positioned itself as a provider of chemical engineering solutions for the Oil & Gas sector in Ghana in collaboration with its technical partner in the United Kingdom, RO Services and Equipment Ltd (ROSE). This enabled MLE to win its first contract in the sector.
The project was to design, engineer, procure, construct and operate a temporary onshore facility to receive spent Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) at the Ghana National Gas Company Ltd.’s (Ghana Gas) Gas Processing Plant (GPP) at Atuabo in the Western Region of Ghana.
The MEG was used to swab Ghana Gas’ 12 inch subsea gas transportation pipeline to enable first gas to run from FPSO Kwame Nkrumah (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) positioned at the Jubilee field through subsea inter-connecting gas pipelines to the GPP, to eventually terminate as fuel for Ghana’s Power Plants at Aboadze, in the Western Region.
The spent MEG was then disposed of in a safe and appropriate manner in compliance with Petroleum Commission and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and Ghana Gas’ safety requirements.
In 2016, because of the excellent work executed by MLE in the commissioning of the Ghana Gas offshore pipeline, MLE was again selected to perform a swabbing, pigging and disposal operation, this time to assist in the interconnection of the offshore Tweneboa, Enyenra, Ntomme (TEN) field to the Ghana Gas offshore pipeline. MLE again partnered with ROSE but also contracted EXPRO to provide additional equipment and support. The MEG was again disposed off in a safe and appropriate manner.
In 2016, MLE also won a contract from Ghana Gas to procure and install a Standby De- ethaniser Overhead Compressor in partnership with its Canadian technical partners Propak Systems Limited. The compressor has been successfully installed and handed over to Ghana Gas.
In December 2016, MLE won a major EPCM contract to build a Mainline Compressor Station at Anokyi for Ghana Gas. The Mainline Station is required to enable ENI integrate gas landing at ENI’s Sanzule’s Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) in the Western Region from the Offshore Cape Three Point (OCTP) field which was developed from the Sankofa, Sankofa East and Gye Nyame Oil & Gas discoveries.